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How to deal with acne prone skin?

It is summer and we tend to have a lot more acne than usual. Acne is not limited to affecting the face – a lot of people suffer from painful, uncomfortable, and unsightly spots on their backs, necks, and chests, etc. In fact, acne can affect people anywhere other than the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet.

Here are some tips for acne-prone skin:

  • Lightly exfoliate regularly.

  • Exercise.

  • Enjoy the sun but use sunscreen.

  • Drink lots of water.

  • Wash make-up off before bedtime.

  • Don’t pop your pimples.


Some quick hacks to get rid of acne in few minutes:

  • Ice your skin.

  • Use honey & lemon masks.

  • Use Tumeric.

  • Maintain a light and healthy diet


For more information and consultation, book your appointment today.

Visit our dermatologists only at  Skin Plus Clinic, your one stop solution to all your skin issues. Call us 9226269800

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